Events Services
Featured Packages
Wedding Services
Complete Wedding Packages
Get your wedding Photography, Videography and live streaming ALL handled by us!
Wedding Recovery Package
Turn past Wedding Videos into digital Treasures! Send us the tapes and Well digitize them and add in a highlights video to share with your friends and family online!
Wedding Photography
Our wedding photography services are the best around! Not only do we give you the option to book more than one photographer from us to have more images of your special day, but you will be able to enjoy your edited photos shortly after your big day! We make it a priority to start editing your wedding photos as soon as possibly to make sure you won’t have to wait for weeks or months to receive your images. We also make sure to give you all the unused raw photos which you can have edited any time in the future.
Wedding Videography
Our videography is one of the best around! We have videographers able to film the full length of the wedding, create highlight videos from your wedding, edit videos of individual segments of your wedding and more! If you have any ideas, feel free to let us know and we will do our best to see if we can make it happen. Just like our wedding photography, we will give you ALL unused raw video files which the videographers have filmed during your wedding. You can use this footage to have it edited again if you wish in the future.
Wedding Live Streaming
Never let someone miss out on your big day! Our live streaming services prevent that from happening. Whether your loved ones are miles away, ill or can’t make it for any reason, our live streaming service allows them to feel as if they were there while they watch you live from home. When it comes to our live streaming, we have options to add multiple camera angles and to give those at home the feeling as if they were watching your wedding in a movie. This will allow the camera angles to change and have them see close ups of and views that they would not even be able to see if they were there live!