Wedding Recovery Packages
Main Info -
Our Wedding Recovery package takes your wedding footage tapes from the past to make it easy for you to share with your loved ones through your computers and smartphones. Our Wedding recovery package does not just turn your wedding videos into digital form but it also helps enhance the footage by fixing the videos color and sound! The package also comes with a highlights video which will allow you to relive your wedding from years ago and invite people to experience all of your wedding's greatest moments. Just leave us with the tapes, the song of your choice and enjoy your special day all over again!
Package includes Includes
Conversion of wedding tapes to digital
Highlight video over song of your choice as the background song.
Color and sound enhancing
$650 for up to 4 tape conversions and highlight video.
Additional tapes - if there are more than 4 tapes, any other conversions will be $75 each for tape to digital conversion
Can also edit ceremony and reception videos if they were shot with different camera angles. We can have the videos switch between the different angles and sync the sound up between them. Price for reception and ceremony angle edits are $200 each.
All tapes will be converted to mp4 format video copies. Great for sharing on social media.
Highlight videos will be edited to the length of the song but may not cover the entire song depending on the amount of needed footage.
Up to 3 revisions for highlight video changes
Additional changes after the 4 revisions will be $45 each.
Conversions and editing will take between 2-5 weeks.